15 Ways to Make your Teeth Shimmer This Winter

Hosting a party and including various food items in it can be dangerous for your teeth and enamel. By eating certain food items your teeth can become pigmented. These food items are grape juice, pomegranate juice, blueberry, cherry, beets, soda, coffee, and red wine. Some of these foods contain acid which causes the enamel of your teeth to break down. Now I am going to describe the 15 ways to make your teeth shimmer this winter.

1. Regularly go to the dentist – If you will not go to a dentist regularly then your teeth can get damaged. So, every year you need to visit the dentist at least two times. It will help you in getting the best results for your teeth.  

2. Treatments for whitening your teeth – If for whitening the stained teeth you can’t get any help from the home remedies then you need to undergo some treatments for whitening your teeth.

3. Eat calcium in the required amount – If you want to maintain your teeth’s texture then you have to eat calcium. It also makes your teeth strong.

4. Change your toothbrush after two months – For getting the best results it is necessary that you use a new toothbrush after every two months. If you do not do that then, your teeth can get stains because of wearing out the enamel as a result of the harsh bristles of your toothbrush.

5. Use a mixture of salt and lemon – Make a paste of salt and lemon juice and do brushing regularly so as to whiten your teeth. If you add salt to the citric acid rich lemon juice and apply it to your teeth then your teeth will sparkle.

6. Don’t take too many antibiotics – Your teeth can get discolored if you take so many antibiotics. Therefore, the antibiotics that are unnecessary need to be avoided.

7. Do brushing with a sonic toothbrush – Your teeth can get hurt because of brushing harder with a manual toothbrush. Wearing of the tooth and gum erosion can occur as a result of this. But your teeth can remain white if all these problems are avoided with the use of a sonic toothbrush. As compared to manual brushing the maximum work can be done by a sonic toothbrush.

8. If your metabolism is improper then you need to improve it – Your teeth can get discolored if your metabolism is improper. Don’t take on too much stress, exercise regularly, and correct your habits of eating so that you can have proper metabolism.

9. Kits for whitening teeth – In order to keep your teeth white, you can get a lot of help from some kits for whitening the teeth. For getting information about the safest brand, you can take the help of a dentist.

10. Eat vegetables – For your tooth enamel’s formation you can get a lot of help if you will eat pumpkin, carrots, and broccoli which are vitamin A-rich vegetables. Your teeth can remain white and clean as well as your gums can get a very good massage if you will consume raw vegetables.

11. Drink any liquid food with a straw – If you don’t want the liquid food to touch your teeth and go in the stomach directly then use a straw. Because of doing this, no stains will occur in your teeth after drinking colored liquid food items.

12. Eat sesame seeds – Magnesium is a mineral that is so important for your body and it is present in sesame seeds. Vitamin E, protein, and fiber are present in good amounts in the seeds of sunflowers. Your gums and teeth are surrounded by a bone. For preserving this bone, a lot of calcium is present in sesame seeds. Your tooth enamel will build up and the plaque can be destroyed if you eat sesame seeds.

13. Eat yogurt, cheese, and dairy products – Your teeth can become white and clean if you eat cheddar cheese that is hard. The enamel will become strong and remain protected by eating dairy products. Along with teeth whitening, gum diseases can also be reduced by eating dairy products.  

14. Floss your teeth regularly – You can prevent tooth stains and keep the health of your gums and teeth good if you floss regularly. Don’t get frightened that your gums will bleed because of flossing. If you will take suitable measures while flossing then no bleeding will occur.

15. Consume fruits – A lot of salivae will get produced in your mouth if you eat pears and apples. Your gums will become strong by eating kiwis and strawberries because these fruits contain a lot of vitamin C. For whitening the teeth as well as cleaning them, saliva will help a lot and for producing it in a good amount in your mouth you need to eat citrus fruits.

If I have a problem with my teeth and gums then I will visit the Dental clinic near me. It will provide me with the best treatment. 

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Akshay is a social media marketing enthusiast and has written many topics in this and related fields. He works with Mind Digital Group - an independent digital and web designing company providing Offshore Web Development services in India.

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